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文章来源:综合整理 作者:藍 馬 发布时间:2009-10-20 15:52:29 点击数:


 The bird I long for in my life
 Cuts through winter
 Both wings scissoring into a field of snow
 Sweeping across mountains with the speed of an arrow
 Leaving just one red feather
 To drape its flag over the gray sky
 I must leave this fireplace, push the door open
 Walk into the field where human shadows are scattered
 All the birds past have flown
 Leaving hardly trace
 The bird I long for
 Somehow cut through this deep winter
 Starting the lonely path of its life
 As if spring stood on its wings
 Flowers opening
 I start to fall in love with the white field
 With this longing for the innocence of youth
 Carve out a statue having something to do with birds
 This bird presented me with a piece of red feather
 In the title page of an anthology of women’s poetry I published
 Circling the air with a kind of life light

 (Tr. by Lynn Xu & Hai An)


 秋天的真理, 是歲月流逝
 我的眼裏, 還含著盛夏的落日
 江山, 日趨成熟
 讓我的心胸, 像這秋天的天空一樣: 萬里無雲
 躺在廣袤無垠的田野上, 散發今生今世
 The truth behind autumn, is the passage of time
 The past is already ripe
 In my eyes, still filled with the taste of sunsets in summer
 The lands, maturing with each passing day
 The surging thunder of summer
 Already disappearing in the deep, deep memory of the blue sea
 Now staring off into the distance
 Seeing only the rows and rows of geese
 Affecting the entire landscape
 Visible to no one, that envoy of time
 Forcing countless mountains and forests
 To stir up wind, exposing their blood red beauty . . .
 Ah wind, just blow inside my body then
 Twisting away in the depths of my spirit—this season’s scattering leaf
 Make of my chest, as the sky of this autumn day: a cloudless expanse
 Make of me, as ears from freshly cut rice
 Lying amidst this vast expanse of field, giving off the scent of this life,
 This delicate fragrance . . .

 (Tr. by Lynn Xu & Hai An)


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