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文章来源:综合整理 作者:陳東東 发布时间:2009-10-20 16:09:46 点击数:


 In the dark you pick up a musical instrument. You sit serenely in the dark
 the sound of a horse comes from the far end of the room
 A horse in the rain
 This instrument is out of fashion, shining in spots
 like the red freckles on a horse's snout, flashing
 like the top of a tree
 the first blossoming of the cotton rose, startles a few thrushes into flight
 The horse in the rain too is doomed to gallop out of my memory
 like the instrument in the hand
 like a cotton rose opening in a warm fragrant night
 At the other end of the corridor
 I sit sedately as if it has been raining all day
 I sit serenely like a flower that opens at night
 A horse in the rain. The horse too is doomed to gallop out of my memory
 I've picked up the instrument
 and softly play the song I'd like to sing

 點  燈
 Shine the lamp into a stone, make them see
 the shape of the sea, make them see
 ancient fish in it
 you ought to make them see the light too
 a lamp raised high on a mountain.
 Shine the lamp into a river, make them see
 living fish, make them see
 a soundless sea
 you ought to make them see the sunset too
 a firebird bursting from the forest
 Light the lamp. When I use my hands to block the north wind
 when I stand in a narrow gorge
 I think they will crowd around me
 they will come to stare at my words
 like lamps

 (Tr. by Michael M. Day)


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